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About ZOLAR Entertainment

Our Core Values




Genuine Care

Premium Brand





Youth Driven

"ZOLAR Entertainment initially began with my problem with today’s college and high school dances. I began DJ-ing when I was 15 years old as a freshman in High school. I fell in LOVE with the idea of being able to play music and be able to create a memorable occasion for the crowd. Even before becoming a DJ, I was a musician ever since I was 5 years old. My mother was a piano teacher and over time, I learned to play 10 different musical instruments and had plans on attending school to become a movie score composer but that all changed when I became a DJ. This industry became my PASSION!
In 2011, I graudated from high school and immediately joined the military. Upon completion of my active duty training, I began college in 2012 at a state school in Illinois. As an outgoing person, I began to attend different social events on campus. Immediately, I recognized the problem. The existing DJs were drowning the crowd with average and mediocore performance. Being a DJ myself, I knew I had some power to change this. I’ve always been a go-getter and had a creative mind for problem solving. So I decided to start a business that’ll chase the average and mediocricity away from events and deliverying the unique taste to every event we partner up with.
Now, ZOLAR Entertainment has expanded to a global business, traveling to different parts of the world in creating powerful and unique events for our attendees and clients. We call this the ZOLAR Experience and we look to unleash this experience at your next event "
-Sam Kwak
CEO & Founder




Our Unique Story... Unleash the Experience!



ZOLAR Entertainment was founded in March 2012 by Samuel Kwak and an initial startup team in Dekalb, IL.  Ever since, ZOLAR Entertainment has been dedicated and commited in building not just a successful company but a family of clients, business partners and the community. 
















 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


- John 3:16 NIV -


Begin your unique experience here!

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